Educación sexual para niños y niñas de 0 a 6 años

Educación sexual para niños y niñas de 0 a 6 años

Cuándo, cuánto y cómo hacerlo

C. Hernandez Sanchez Del Rio

17,00 €

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Educación sexual para niños y niñas de 0 a 6 años

Cuándo, cuánto y cómo hacerlo

ISBN 978-84-277-1576-9
Páginas 160
Año 2011
Editorial Narcea
Sección Sexualidad

SEX EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN OF 0 TO 6 YEARS. When, how much and how to do it. The objective of this book, fruit of the author’s research and experience, is to help educators of children from 0 to 6 years understand child sexuality by means of clear and simple examples, adapted also to children with special educational needs, so that they know how to adopt appropriate conduct and attitudes.

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This book also develops in a very practical way, guidelines for the prevention of child abuse.
The contents are a contribution of great interest to educators, families, educational institutions, etc. concerned for the all-round and harmonious development of children.

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