Lorca, Grandes Personajes + CD

Lorca, Grandes Personajes + CD

Lorca, Grandes Personajes + CD

Aroa Moreno

12,50 €

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Lorca, Grandes Personajes + CD

Lorca, Grandes Personajes + CD

ISBN 978-84-8443-737-6
Páginas 72
Año 2020
Editorial Pons Idiomas
Sección Pedidos

Federico García Lorca is the most universal Spanish poet. In Lorca. La valiente alegría, Aroa Moreno reconstructs the life and work of this poet from Granada, from his childhood in the village of Fuentevaqueros to his assassination in Granada in 1936. This book covers his plays, poetry and music but also tells of his friendship with other artists such as Salvador Dalí and takes us back to one of Spain's most exciting artistic ages: the Second Republic, which ended in a tragic civil war. The personalities in the Grandes personajes collection stand out for their quality as artists and human beings. They all live in the memory of Spanish...

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-speakers but their repetition has also reached across the borders of their countries. Each biography is about the life and works of one of the personalities. The books include photographs, a footnote Spanish glossary, and another glossary in several languages at the end of the book. In addition, all of the texts are accompanied with a variety of activities and a CD in which the text is read out.

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