¡Salvemos el Nautilus!

¡Salvemos el Nautilus!

Jaume Copons Ramon

12,90 €

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¡Salvemos el Nautilus!

ISBN 978-84-9825-916-2
Páginas 152
Año 2020
Editorial Combel Editorial
Sección Pedidos

Hello, I'm Agus Pianola! If you have read Mr Flat is here!, then we already know each other, and if you don't, then let me warn you: my bedroom is full of monsters. Where did they come from? From the Book of monsters, where they lived until the evil Dr Brot released them. Now they're here, but the worst of it is that Dr Brot and his assistant Nap are here as well, and they're already trying to sink the restaurant Nautilus. Fortunately Chef Roll, the monster of the kitchen, will help us to come up with a plan to make Dr Brot fail. Adventure and trouble guaranteed!

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