Nicolasa, ¿y tu casa?

Nicolasa, ¿y tu casa?

María Del Mar Benegas Ortiz

17,90 €

BEZa barne

Eskuragarri 7 egunetan

Nicolasa, ¿y tu casa?

ISBN 978-84-9101-391-4
Orriak 12
Urtea 2020
Argitaletxea Combel Editorial
Saila Prelectores

There's nothing quite like a brand-new lift-the-flap book!
Another bold and poetic text by Mar Benegas combined with the imaginative illustrations of Mariana Ruiz Johnson make it fun for children to play knock, knock, at guessing where Nicolasa's home is. At the end of the book, children will be thrilled by a fantastic pop-up of Nicolasa.

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