Bravissimo! 1 Libro dello studente + CD

Bravissimo! 1 Libro dello studente + CD

Bravissimo! 1 Libro dello studente + CD

Marilisa Birello

27,00 €

BEZa barne

Eskuragarri 4-5 egunetan

Bravissimo! 1 Libro dello studente + CD

Bravissimo! 1 Libro dello studente + CD

ISBN 978-84-8443-848-9
Urtea 2014
Argitaletxea Autoedición
Saila Hizkuntzak

Bravissimo! 1 consists of eight units, each of which is divided into seven sections: Primo contatto: first contact with the language and observation; Testi e contesti: getting to know and interacting with classmates; Alla scoperta della lingua: observing, discovering and understanding the language; Qualcosa in piú: acquiring more in-depth knowledge; Risorse e un po’ di allenamento: systematizing one's language resources; In azione e… il compito: self-assessment and engaging in a group project; Al di là della lingua: getting to know and appreciating Italian culture while comparing it with one’s own. Every second unit is followed by...

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two pages focusing on official A1 certificates (official examinations), with examples of the kind of tasks featured in these tests, as well as a Diario d’apprendimento, which allows students to test their own knowledge and skills. The cultural supplements present an authentic perspective on present-day Italy.

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Pedro Hilarión Sarrionandia Linaza, Esteban Ibáñez Robledo, Joséed. Lit. Megías Aznar, Moga Romero, Moga Romer