Gráfica anarquista. Fotografía y revolución social (1936-1939)
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Gráfica anarquista. Fotografía y revolución social (1936-1939)
ISBN | 9788491562610 |
Orriak | 208 |
Urtea | 2020 |
Argitaletxea | Joaquin Gallego Editor |
Saila | Fotografía |
If there is one city in the world where the anarchist movement has taken root and been truly important, it is Barcelona. It flourished from 1936 to 1939, during a time of maximum political upheaval when, as in the rest of the country, a social revolution was being established. This book shows the everyday, social and economic life of a revolution pushed aside in our memories; it does this through photos long hidden away in boxes and which have finally been brought to light, thanks to this book.