Intervención con menores

Intervención con menores

Acción socioeducativa

Jasone Mondragón Lasagabaster, Isabel Trigueros Guardiola

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Intervención con menores

Acción socioeducativa

ISBN 978-84-277-1389-5
Orriak 288
Urtea 2015
Argitaletxea Narcea
Saila Pedagogía / Educación

INTERVENTIONS WITH MINORS - Socio educative action - Most of the time, the irregular behaviour of young people is the outcome of what society has offered to them. This book studies the methodology, the levels of the intervention, preventive measures, assistance and rehabilitative intervention, in the work with families and minors in the network of primary attention. The situations of social risk, the necessities and the problems of minors are exposed making a special mention of the educational ones, and the professional figures that act in this field.

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