La igualdad también se aprende

La igualdad también se aprende

Cuestión de coeducación

María Elena Simón Rodríguez

19,50 €

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Eskuragarri 4-5 egunetan

La igualdad también se aprende

Cuestión de coeducación

ISBN 978-84-277-1723-7
Orriak 256
Urtea 2013
Argitaletxea Narcea
Saila Pedidos

EQUALITY ALSO CAN BE LEARNT. The question of Coeducation - One of the main limitations of the present educational system is the deficiency of coeducation for Equality, without which practice girls and boys repeat and they will continue repeating stereotypes, functions and roles of men and women, which brings with it a regeneration of inequality, discrimination and gender violence. Perhaps for that reason, we often wonder: Are they more sexist than the generation that educates them? If socializing influences - families, educational system and social media – do not establish teachings and coherent learning about Equality, young people won't...

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be able to learn it. The responsibility to co-educate is both collective and individual at the same time. The co-educational pedagogy proposed here attempts to learn how to neutralize and overcome vices such as androcentrism and sexism so as to already enter by the main door into the era of Equality, an unquestionable benefit and social advantage at the international level, as part of sustainable human development.

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