Memoria de la revolución

Memoria de la revolución

Edgar Straehle Porras

18,00 €

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Eskuragarri 7 egunetan

Memoria de la revolución

ISBN 9788499845340
Orriak 192
Urtea 2020
Argitaletxea Documenta Universitaria

This book is an introductory, historical, and philosophical study of the revolutionary tradition. Its objective is to explore and rethink the complex relationship between tradition, memory and revolution, by examining the contributions of the main thinkers who have reflected on the revolution and analyzing how the revolutions of the past have developed in practice. In this way, what is also addressed in the book is how the past, present and future are embedded in revolutionary events. Far from being contradictory or incompatible, the revolution and the tradition have been related in multiple ways that until today have been insufficiently...

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