Kevin Birmingham, Kevin Birmingham

18,00 €

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ISBN 978-0-14-312754-3
Orriak 418
Urtea 2017
Argitaletxea Penguin
Saila Crítica Literaria

"The arrival of a significant young nonfiction writer . . . A measured yet bravura performance." --Dwight Garner, The New York Times

James Joyce's big blue book, Ulysses, ushered in the modernist era and changed the novel for all time. But the genius of Ulysses was also its danger: it omitted absolutely nothing. Joyce, along with some of the most important publishers and writers of his era, had to fight for years to win the freedom to publish it. The Most Dangerous Book tells the remarkable story surrounding Ulysses, from the first stirrings of Joyce's inspiration in 1904 to the book's landmark federal obscenity trial in 1933....

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Written for ardent Joyceans as well as novices who want to get to the heart of the greatest novel of the twentieth century, The Most Dangerous Book is a gripping examination of how the world came to say Yes to Ulysses.

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