Musu lapurra

Musu lapurra

Xabier Etxaniz Erle

7,50 €

BEZa barne

Ez dago eskuragarri

Musu lapurra

ISBN 9788482633831
Orriak 36
Urtea 2009
Argitaletxea Aizkorri Argilatxea
Saila Pedidos

The author of this work has given the job of narrator to the father of the protagonist of this charming story. With different phrases and examples, he begins to explain to his daughter how people are normally happy by carrying out different activities which, although somewhat ordinary, form part of their lives: "when they see the beautiful colours of the fireworks and the shapes they make during celebrations", "when they stroll through the streets", etc.

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From this viewpoint, he speaks to his daughter and explains that they are also happy in their own way with simple things and the everyday activities they carry out in the place where they live. The culmination of the explanation he gives for her to be happy with what she's got is when he confesses that he is very happy when she is asleep and he goes into her room every night and "steals" a kiss.

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