¡Sin chupete!

¡Sin chupete!

Emanuela Maria Bussolati

2,90 €

BEZa barne

Eskuragarri 4-5 egunetan

¡Sin chupete!

ISBN 978-84-9101-139-2
Orriak 12
Urtea 2017
Argitaletxea Combel Editorial
Saila Primeros Pasos

Growing up means stopping using a dummy, swapping nappies for the potty or going to bed early without protesting. It's not easy, but thanks to this collection, young children will take up the new challenges enthusiastically. The last page includes a window that hides a surprise, providing an incentive to encourage the reader to stick with these newly acquired habits
A series to challenge toddlers to go to sleep early and say goodbye to dummy and diapers for good.

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