Todo lo que sé del miedo
15,90 €
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Todo lo que sé del miedo
ISBN | 978-84-9101-429-4 |
Orriak | 30 |
Urtea | 2019 |
Argitaletxea | Combel Editorial |
Saila | Primeros Pasos |
Further to All I Know About the Poop and All I Know About the People, Jaume Copons has written another fantastic story, filled with loads of humor and amazingly illustrated by Pep Montserrat: All I Know About the Fear.
There are many things that can be scary when being a child. This boy is scared of getting lost, of being alone in the forest, of fantastic creatures, but the most terrifying is his fear of the dark. Not only to darkness itself; but also the imagined dangers concealed by darkness. Don't be afraid to turn the page...