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*Abotonarte*, así es como han decidido nombrar a esta primera muestra textil independiente de Pamplona. En ella participarán las siguientes marcas: Adabaki, Chonbag, Erabili, Hari & ari, Korapilo, Mustroak y Trimmer.
A las 19:00h se abrirán al público las puertas de la sala de usos múltiples de Katakrak situado en la calle Mayor 54. Media hora más tarde, a las 19:30h, se dará comienzo a la pasarela en la que se realizarán siete desfiles. En ellos se podrán contemplar las creaciones textiles propuestas para este verano tanto de moda infantil como de mujer y de hombre.
Una vez finalizado el acto se habilitará el espacio para los stands, que darán opción de conocer más a fondo cada colección y de comprar las prendas que han pasado por la pasarela.
El objetivo de este acontecimiento es potenciar las creaciones textiles propias recuperando así el concepto de manufacturación y alejándose de la tendencia mayoritaria de consumo.

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*Abotonarte*. Horrela izendatu dute Iruñeko lehenengo ehun-gaien erakustaldi independentea. Adabaki, Chonbag, Erabili, Hari & Ari, Korapilo, Mustroak eta Trimmer izango dira egun horretan parte hartuko duten markak.
19:00etan irekiko da *Katakrak-*eko erabilera anitzen gela, Kale Nagusiko 54.zenbakian. Ordu erdi beranduago, 19:30etan disfileari hasiera emango zaio. Parte hartuko duten zazpi sortzaileek, haur zein gizon-emakumeentzat, udaberri-uda denboraldirako prestatutako diseinuak aurkeztuko dituzte.
Behin erakustaldia amaituta, sortzaile bakoitzaren postua bisitatzeko aukera izango da bertan. Horrela, bisitariak marka ezagutu, pasarelan ikusitako diseinuak gertuagotik ikusi eta nahi izanez gero, erosteko aukera ere izango du.
Sorkuntza propioak eta hauen salmenta zuzena bultzatzea da erakusgai honen helburua. Gizartea kontsumo joera orokorretatik aldenduz.

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Presentación de Badok.info

El portal de la música vasca Badok.info, creado por el diario Berria, ha sufrido recientemente una profunda renovación. Sigue siendo una gran gran base de datos sobre la canción en euskara, pero ahora también quiere ser una herramienta para la difusión de la música. Por ello, además de reunir información sobre más de 2.000 discos, ofrece la posibilidad de escuchar alredededor de 11.000 canciones en el reproductor del portal. Asímismo, también se ha convertido en una revista digital. El coordinador del proyecto, Jon Eskisabel, nos ofrecerá todos los detalles en una charla.

*El acto será en euskera.

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Badok.info-ren aurkezpena

Berria egunkariak sorturiko Badok.info euskal musikaren atariak berrikuntza sakona izan du. Euskarazko kantagintzaren datu base handi bat izaten jarraitzen du, baina eraberritze honetan musikaren difusioari ere lehentasuna eman dio. Hortaz, ia 2.000 disko bildu ditu eta atariak berak garatutako erreproduktoretik 11.000 kantu inguru entzuteko aukera eskaintzen du. Halaber, aldizkari ere bilakatu da ataria eta kazetaritza eduki propioak sortzeari ekin dio. Horren guztiaren berri emango digu Jon Eskisabel atariaren koordinatzaileak.

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Adam Smith: De la acumulación de capital, o del trabajo productivo y del no productivo

Último libro del curso de economía crítica.

*El coloquio será en euskera.

The Wealth of Nations/Book II/Chapter 3

There is one sort of labour which adds to the value of the subject upon which it is bestowed: there is another which has no such effect. The former, as it produces a value, may be called productive; the latter, unproductive labour. Thus the labour of a manufacturer adds, generally, to the value of the materials which he works upon, that of his own maintenance, and of his master's profit. The labour of a menial servant, on the contrary, adds to the value of nothing. Though the manufacturer has his wages advanced to him by his master, he, in reality, costs him no expense, the value of those wages being generally restored, together with a profit, in the improved value of the subject upon which his labour is bestowed. But the maintenance of a menial servant never is restored. A man grows rich by employing a multitude of manufacturers: he grows poor by maintaining a multitude of menial servants. The labour of the latter, however, has its value, and deserves its reward as well as that of the former. But the labour of the manufacturer fixes and realizes itself in some particular subject or vendible commodity, which lasts for some time at least after that labour is past. It is, as it were, a certain quantity of labour stocked and stored up to be employed, if necessary, upon some other occasion. That subject, or what is the same thing, the price of that subject, can afterwards, if necessary, put into motion a quantity of labour equal to that which had originally produced it. The labour of the menial servant, on the contrary, does not fix or realize itself in any particular subject or vendible commodity. His services generally perish in the very instant of their performance, and seldom leave any trace or value behind them for which an equal quantity of service could afterwards be procured.

Gomendatutako liburua:

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Adam Smith: Kapitalaren metaketa edo lan produktibo eta ez produktiboa

Ekonomia kritikoaren taldeko azken liburua.

*Solasaldia euskaraz izanen da.

The Wealth of Nations/Book II/Chapter 3

There is one sort of labour which adds to the value of the subject upon which it is bestowed: there is another which has no such effect. The former, as it produces a value, may be called productive; the latter, unproductive labour. Thus the labour of a manufacturer adds, generally, to the value of the materials which he works upon, that of his own maintenance, and of his master's profit. The labour of a menial servant, on the contrary, adds to the value of nothing. Though the manufacturer has his wages advanced to him by his master, he, in reality, costs him no expense, the value of those wages being generally restored, together with a profit, in the improved value of the subject upon which his labour is bestowed. But the maintenance of a menial servant never is restored. A man grows rich by employing a multitude of manufacturers: he grows poor by maintaining a multitude of menial servants. The labour of the latter, however, has its value, and deserves its reward as well as that of the former. But the labour of the manufacturer fixes and realizes itself in some particular subject or vendible commodity, which lasts for some time at least after that labour is past. It is, as it were, a certain quantity of labour stocked and stored up to be employed, if necessary, upon some other occasion. That subject, or what is the same thing, the price of that subject, can afterwards, if necessary, put into motion a quantity of labour equal to that which had originally produced it. The labour of the menial servant, on the contrary, does not fix or realize itself in any particular subject or vendible commodity. His services generally perish in the very instant of their performance, and seldom leave any trace or value behind them for which an equal quantity of service could afterwards be procured.

Gomendatutako liburua:

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Udalerrigintzari buruzko eztabaida

Madrilgo Hiri Behatokiko Emmanuel Rodríguezekin.

Gomendatutako liburua:

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Charla-debate sobre municipalismo

Con Emmanuel Rodríguez del Observatorio Metropolitano de Madrid.

Gomendatutako liburua:

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Homenaje de Euskaria Fundazioa a Julen Madariaga

13:00 homenaje y presentación de su último libro "Egiari zor".
14:00 comida.

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Euskaria Fundazioak Iulen Madariagari omenaldia

13:00etan omenaldia eta "Egiari zor" liburuaren aurkezpena.
14:00etan bazkaria.